
Codes of Conduct and Behaviour

Codes of Conduct and Behaviourial Guidelines

The Club is bound to abide by the Little Athletics/Athletics NSW Codes of Conduct and Behavioural Guidelines. which cover all athletes, parents, carers, guardians, spectators, the Club Committee and officials.

The Dubbo Athletics Club has slightly modified the Athletics NSW Codes and Guidelines which are available here and also appear in the Information Booklet. It is important you are aware of the content of the Codes and Guidelines

DAC Behaviourial Guidelines

Penalties for Breaches of Behavioural Guidelines and/or Codes of Conduct

The principles of natural justice will be observed when making decisions on breaches of the Behavioural Guidelines and/or Codes of Conduct and in deciding any penalties for such breaches.

Any penalties that are imposed are to be appropriate to the seriousness of the breach.

Penalties for breaches of the Behavioural Guidelines and/or Codes of Conduct that occur at events conducted by Dubbo Athletics Club that are confined to the day of competition shall be determined by the Appeals Committee. Penalties that go beyond the day of competition shall be determined by the Dubbo Athletics Club Executive and could include banning individuals and families from future participation in the sport.

If you have a problem that you would like attended to any suggestion that will assist with the running of the Club please contact one of the committee members.

Complaints and disputes can be directed to the Chairperson of the Complaints and Disputes Committee who will be advised closer to competition commencing.