Any competitor who is not a registered member of our Club must fill in and sign a registration form prior to competition.
Points are awarded as follows:
- 1 point for participation
- 2 points for equal personal best
- 3 points for improving personal best on previous year
Athletes who compete in Zone, Region, State, Nationals or any other recognised carnival and miss the Friday night Club competition due to traveling for the carnival will be credited with 1 point for each event held at the Friday night competition. This also applies to the Championship point score. Other family members who may not be competing in these carnivals but still have to miss the Club night to travel with the family can apply to the Club executive for the credit of points as well.
If the above applies to you or your child, please notify the point scorer prior to your absence by placing a note inside the folder for your age group or speaking directly to one of the recording and timing officers. Make sure your name and rego number is on the note, as well as which competition you are attending and the number of events you are competing in. This will ensure you will receive points while representing your Club.
Please note the number of events you compete in at Zone level will also be the number of points you will have credited to your Club point score for Region and State, should you qualify to compete in these carnivals. For other competitions it is the responsibility of the athlete to provide proof of competing.